Our litigation and dispute resolution team comprise Attorneys with extensive experience in complex commercial disputes providing world class services to our Clients.
We represent businesses and individuals and have handled all kinds of controversies ranging from (including but not limited to) contractual disputes, securities claims, debt collections, business insolvency and restructuring, shareholder claims and disputes, labour, taxation, energy, natural resources, real estate, telecommunications, pension, information technology, intellectual property, maritime, aviation and finance
We aim to resolve our clients’ disputes timely and effectively. Bearing in mind the dynamics of contemporary business transactions, our Attorneys are up to date on developments in procedure and practice.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) also constitutes a major element of our dispute resolution machinery as we are proficient in a variety of ADR strategies such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration
Our policy at all times remains the protection of our clients by adopting a logical, cost effective and result oriented approach.
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